Business in
Welcome to one of the most dynamic and award- winning regions for doing business in Norway. Many companies have realised the possibilities and opportunities Halden offers, and we are pleased to invite you to our community.
Great access to expertise and labour
Significantly higher proportion with a PhD and MNT education than in other cities
Numerous future IT talents, trained in Halden
755* students in IT-relevant study programmes
185* IT graduates/ year (*numbers from 2023)
Østfold University College & a large varierty of vocational education and training facilities are located in town
Located in Østfold region, which has three cities that are slowly growing together, with in total 180,000 inhabitants, a large mobility and short distances.
At the Gateway to Europe - Halden lies in the Østfold region in Norway, right at the Swedish border, and offers optimal conditions for your expansion and location opening.
It is in immediate proximity to the Nordics, Central and Eastern Europe, which offers several advantages:
Quick accessibility
Short and direct routes to consumers and suppliers
Perfect conditions for tapping additional market
Halden is the gateway to the EU, easily accessed by road or train, with fast and effective freight traffic.
1.25 hours to Oslo
2 hours to Gothenburg
large available industry areas close to E6
Halden Station is located in the middle of the city and is the terminus of the Intercity trains on the Østfold line.
The train departs every hour to/from Oslo S, and four times per day to/from Gothenburg
Port with good capacity
The Municipally owned port
5 500 m2 of the new heavy lifting quay
Point load 70 h. per. m2
8 000 m2 with other storage area by the quay
The railway terminal of 16 000m2 with approx. 800 meters of track, divided into 4 tracks
Land-based electricity to ships
We have approx. 90-100 sea calls annually and have the capacity for further sea calls or project loads
Outstanding digital infrastructure
Mobile coverage close to 100% where there are permanent residents in 2023
5 new mobile masts built during 2022/2023
All new housing estates are developed with broadband services
Expanding broadband services in the districts surrounding Halden via NKOM funds:
Each year, funds are applied for for new areas where there is no broadband coverage
Companies are prioritized
The Departement of Planning and Building Services prioritizes the processing of important business cases and major construction projects.
Over 90% of received applications are processed within the statutory deadlines.
The Department for business in Halden Municipality helps the business community and assists the business community with large and small challenges.
The Departements has good availability by phone and email. See contact information in the linked bulled points above.
Excellent water and sewage capacity
The municipality's water and sewage system are monitored 24/7
Newly restored wastewater treatmant plants with good capacity, close to the city enter (Refne), Prestebakke and Kornsjø
High supply security and quality of the water, with two water treatment plants near the city center (Lille Erte and Asak) + two water treatment plants outside the center (Prestebakke and Kornsjø)
New ring line/water transport line from Lille Erte to Halden prison, provides good and safe water supply to Remmen and the Industrial area at Sørli-feltet.
Replacement of existing old water and waste pipes takes place continuously
Strong business networks
Halden Chamber of Commerce is the city's largest community of businesses and holds over 50 meetings and events per year, and is an active promoter of good framework conditions for business.
3 strong Industry Clusters that contributes to more innovation, exports and commerialization: Cluster for Applied AI, Cluster for Decommisioning and Repurposing og NCE Smart Energy Markets.
The Mayor hosts regular Breakfast Meetings with the business community every month.
Proximity to markets
In a radius of 6 hours, you reach a market of over 9 million people.
Historic, compact and effective city center
The city is compact and almost 50% of the population lives within a 2 km radius from the center and 90% within 5 km.
Almost 40% of the workplaces are within a 1 km radius of the city center and 50% within 2 km.
Vibrant local community
Strong culture and over 400 cultural events are held in Halden every year
Unique nature to experience by the sea, water or forests.
Attractive tourist destination
320 000 tourists each year.
85 000 hotel nights per year.